The church family of First Baptist is encouraged to participate in a Prayer Vigil, sponsored by the Deacons on Tuesday/Wednesday, April 15-16. Small groups of 2-4 people are encouraged to sign up together for a 2-hour block during the below 24-hour period. Groups may pray together at the church in person, or via in person or phone in a home or homes.
Below are several options for the location of the 2-hour prayer times:
Noon – 8 pm on Tuesday, April 15 and 8 am – Noon on Wednesday, April 16: Church’s Prayer Room, Sanctuary, or a classroom reserved through the Church Office.
8 pm – 8 am, Tuesday, April 15 to Wednesday, April 16:: In homes, either in-person or via phone
Prayer Needs:
This vigil will be a spiritual entreaty, asking God to move in our country and church. The list below is not exhaustive or limited and can be changed in any way prayer partners desire. Twelve items are listed for prayer, which would break the prayer time into 10-minute segments over a 2-hour period.
National/State/Local Level
1. Our nation to return to God
2. America’s leaders on a national, state, and local level
3. Local Schools, Administrators, Teachers, and Students
4. Revival in our church
5. Church staff, both pastoral and administrative, and church leaders
6. Church’s ministries and direction for future ministries/services
7. Members and families
8. Direction for use of facilities
9. Church’s financial needs
10. Commitment of church family for giving of time, resources, and talents
11. Outreach and growth
12. Vision for our future