SEPTEMBER 27, 2020
Join us for an exciting morning of worship. As a reminder, kids ministry is now available for ages 6 month through 5th grade during out 10:30 contemporary worship service.
SEPTEMBER 20, 2020
Join us for an exciting morning of worship. As a reminder, kids ministry is now available for ages 6 month through 2 years old during our 10:30 contemporary worship service.
SEPTEMBER 13, 2020
Join us for an exciting morning of worship. We also want to make you aware that kids ministry is now available for ages 6 month through 2 years old during our 10:30 contemporary worship service.
AUGUST 30, 2020
Join us for a fun-filled morning of flashlight tag and worship. We hope you are connected with us. Let us know you are watching! Know that kids ministry is taking strides to meet in person right now and we hope to see you very soon.
AUGUST 23, 2020
Join us for a unique kids worship experience as we welcome some of our pastoral staff as guests to teach the point that a team is needed in order to achieve our goals! Hope to see you soon!
AUGUST 16, 2020
Join us for a morning of fun as we study God’s word together! Be sure to jump up and participate in all the fun that is happening on the screen! We miss you and we hope to see you real soon.
AUGUST 9, 2020
Join us for a fun time at the kids park as we worship and study the Bible together!
JULY 19, 2020
Join us for our morning kids worship as we continue our discussion of faith and look at the life of Paul! We hope you have a great morning singing and dancing with us as we learn more about what it means to follow Jesus!