2021 Nomination Form for Pastoral Council Members
It is time to nominate two at-large church members to serve on the Pastoral Council. These church members can be either men or women who meet the qualifications listed below, and they will serve a three-year term, starting on January 1, 2022, and ending on December 31, 2024.
After prayerful consideration, please fill out the form below to submit your nomination(s). Please secure permission from your nominee before submitting their name. Pastoral Council nominations will be taken through Sunday, August 22. (We’ll accept nominations for Administrative Council on September 5-26.) Both councils will vet Pastoral Council nominees and then present them to the church in a special-called business meeting scheduled for September 13. This will mark the beginning of the mandatory 30-day waiting period during which time the church body can ask them questions. The waiting period ends on Oct. 13, and the vote will be on October. 17.
Pastoral Council Scope and Qualifications
The Pastoral Council consists of the senior pastor and a group of spiritually mature members who have displayed wisdom and discernment in their relationships and actions. Council members are elected by the church membership to lead, discern, and foster the spiritual growth of our church by advising and assisting our church body in matters that may affect the spiritual health of the church. The Pastoral Council’s roles and responsibilities include spiritual leadership, spiritual discipline, and accountability. They have no administrative authority or responsibilities. The Pastoral Council will meet monthly and as needed.
Pastoral Council members are preferably men and women who have been FBCM members for a minimum of two years. They cannot serve on both the Pastoral Council and Administrative Council simultaneously. Members of the same immediate family may not serve on this council together. Once a term is completed, council members must take a year off before they can be nominated for another term.
Current Council Members
Current Pastoral Council with the year their terms end - Ken Parham (2023), Joe Hall (2022), Allen Kelley (2022), Randy Hurst (2021), and Randy Shults (2021).
Administrative Council members who are not eligible for nominations to 2022 Pastoral Council - At-Large: Cindy Williams (2023), Diane Hendrix (2022), Bob Stewart (2021); 2021 team chairs - Greg Wilson, Steve Johnson, Johnnie Williams, David Ellis, Rhonda Stinnett, Dawn Herring, Carl Lawson, Ed Skeenes, and Amy Burroughs.
Or, if you would like to download a physical copy of the Deacon Nomination Form, click the link below.